

How do we know that our learners are indeed learning along the way?

Assessments—both formative and summative—can significantly shape and define the nature, type, and quality of experiences for our learners. Assessments that are relevant, timely, and reflect the context in which the learning will be applied are authentic and meaningful.

To learn, learners require feedback—both early on and often—and they need opportunities to build on this feedback, and to assess themselves and their peers by asking and addressing thoughtful questions. Thoughtful questions, elicit deep learning and reflection and provide opportunities for feedback that align with the learning outcomes and the learning activities. Through aligning these components, we ask ourselves: in what ways, if any, do our assessments included in our courses and programs—essentially the evidence that we’ve gathered about learners’ understanding—meet and assess these desired outcomes?

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Want to learn more, book a consultation with us via E-Mail at this link.

Next Step: Design