January 16, 2018
Search Feature in SAL
Do you ever wonder about the approval status of a course outline in SAL? You can use the Maintain Courses search screen in SAL to search and filter the courses in your Faculty in any status not equal to “Approved” (see below).
You can further refine the selection criteria or sort by clicking on the column heading. This is the best way to see the most current status and number of courses in those statuses (the number of courses returned in the search are displayed in the top right corner of the Search Results). You can also use this feature to sort or filter by username, to see the courses that a specific user last updated and the approval status.
For more information, please contact us through the form below.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Does your course require a specialized classroom?
Your course may require a specialized room for a variety of teaching and learning purposes. For example, students may need access to specialized labs, equipment, studios, etc. It is important to indicate these special requirements in two places in SAL:
1. Offerings/PLAR/Components Tab: indicate the specialized room in the notes of the component section (Please note: the Notes and Meeting Pattern comments are used as reference information in the Term Planning process).
2. Delivery Methods Tab: indicate facility type and specific room requirements in the comments field.
For more information, please contact us through the form below.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
What has replaced the New Course Form?
The New Course Form is no longer used when submitting a new course for approval, but where is this important information being captured? It now falls under the Consultation & Accountabilityand Resource Considerationtabs in SAL. These sections should be filled-out not only when a new course is going for approval, but also as you complete SAL course outline clean-up or on-going changes.
Prompts are included within SAL to assist in filling out these sections.
For more information, please contact us through the form below.
Monday, April 16, 2018
When should a course code be changed?
It is rare that a course code needs to be changed. However, a course code may need to be changed as a result of certain types of curriculum modifications.
Please see the table below for some common examples of when course code changes may be considered:
If you are unsure about a course code change, please contact us through the form below. We are happy to provide assistance. More details on course codes can be found at: Course Codes Information.